Monday, 1 August 2011

Nearly 5 months in

So I have been at Lee Abbey for nearly 5 months who would of thought this time here would go so fast. It has had some highs and lows but that is all part of the journey that I am on that lead me here in the first place.

So last week we had 40 children running and I mean literally running round the house which was a bit manic at times but we got through it. Even when God pushes you to the limit you know that you have come out the other side a stronger person. Now you know that you can deal with anything. I think that is what it makes it so important not to do so much on our strength but constantly relying on God's strength to help us.

There have been countless times I try and do things based on my strength, but how about you how many times have you done it without realizing it?

So I hope I can try today even though did not get much sleep last night that I can it offer it up to him and rely soly on his strength to get me through the day. I hope you can whilst reading this.

God bless you as you read this.

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